The other day when i had posted the last entry, Saten was attacking me in the way that he best knows. My weakness and my strength is the people around me. I found myself recently making posts and entries for the sole purpose of other reasons rather than my dedication to Him. I had to take a break from it so that I could re-focus myself and learn how to better battle the war that was inside me. Yet now I need to clear up what I had writtin. I know we all go through immense selfish times where we get to the point where I was the other day. Yet that was all selfishiness. Where all I had cared at that point was who my friends were and how they had hurt me. That isn't the point though, I was so incrediably self-absorbed that I didn't realize how that could affect other people.
So this is kinda like my apologies even though i don't think anybody read what I wrote. Yet nonetheless, I wanted to correct that. I want my sole purpose not to be on people but the work for Christ which is through people but not for them. It is mission empahisis week and we have had one sermon that greatly affected me in ways that I am unable to explain. It was eye-opening for me that i really knew I needed to take the rest of my time in the prayer room or in my own room not to write on this blog but take that time with the Lord to get back to where i was confident in Him. I want to serve Him at the best of my ability that He gives me. I want to completely be wrapped up in what He wants me to do for Him and Him alone. I don't want to be distracted by the things of this world, and that includes people. I know people right now that i look at and admire because they are so incrediablly focused on God to the point where I think they have lost popularity, recognition, and friends. I want to get to that point where anything in my life that would keep me farther from Christ I would eliminate. That if someone doesn't build me up in Him I will not focus on them. Anything that will shift me from the Lord is Saten's doing. I will not let him win, Christ will have full victory.
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