Aide for Discouragement Rom. 12:1
Today has been a very trying day, and very discouraging...but i still want to remain stong in Him. Satan is going to have to try harder than what he is throwing out because I am not backing down though...I will continue to love my Lord with all my heart, soul, mind and spirt. Here are hints to my troubled spirit..
1. Cruelness and ungentlemanliness (If thats even a word) to my sister and me
2. People ridiculing my faith and passion for God
3. Wondering if a friend is walking the way they say they are... light of some of these concerns and trails.....i decided to put this story i read in Extream Devotion..hope you all enjoy...
Indonesia: Pastor Hendrick Pattiwael
"The huddled inside the room while hearing the screams of fellow Christians being butchered outside. Pastor Hendrick Pattiwael and his wife were helping to lead the Indonesian youth camp, and they felt responsible for the young people in their care.
The camp has been a joyous time of spiritual growth and worship. Then they were attacked. When the radical Muslim mab suurounded the building where they hid, Pastor Pattiwael went outside. Distracting the bloodthirsty mob's attention away from his wife and the young people, the pastor was attacked while the others escaped. "Jesus, help me." They were his final words. His wife next saw him lying in a coffin. Ugly wounds crisscrossed his torso and arms. In shock and anger, Mrs' Pattwael cried out to GOd. "HOw could you let this happen? Why didn't you protect my husband?" But the Holy Spirit reminded her of her husband's words only before the attack. "If you love Jesus, but you love me or your family more, you are unworthy of Christ's kingdom." He told her that he was ready to die for Christ's kingdom. Remembering those words, she refused to become bitter. She still works with her church in Indonesia. THe advice that she would give Christians in free nations is simply this: "Seek God more earnestly, so that you can stand in the midst of more trouble."
This was amazing for me, because I needed a lift from all the worries that are already starting to surround me. I almost hate being home but this writing is a release for me....and this verse is also.. "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship." Romans 12:1 Thats what I need to do in the midst of all this, give myself completely to GOd, because i am all of HIs. So, I am lifted up now, and tomorrow is another day....take care....
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