I am so ready to go back home!! It gets so dry here and fake! Its difficult when you challenge a so-called christian with simply a Bible verse and all they can do is call you self-righteous and a show off. I'm really sorry that I tried to challenge you, I saw it coming though I really did. I didn't feel right not sharing a verse that I just happened to read right after reading what I did. I felt that God wanted me to post that and I did, and if I am being discussed about because of it thats fine. THere is no other name than I would proudly carry than a Jesus Freak! I hear about all these different things being said and frankly it doesn't bother me that much 1. because i'm used to it, someone once said that about me before and 2. My reliance is upon God, or at least I try my best to make it that way. I will continue to write about God and all that He has done in my life. I will make myself vunerable for His glory and His kingdom. He is the One that i serve and I will serve Him despite those who try to divert me!
"Dear Lord, guide me, calm my spirit and make my passion only for You and not to turn into anger. Those who are not close to You draw them near to Your loving soul. For those who think they have it all together humble them to Your being, for those who are completly lost let them seek until they finally find You. And Lord for those who suffer for Your name give them peace...I love you Lord..."
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