I am thankful for:
1. True friendship that I know will last a lifetime...
2. New friendships starting.....hopefully lasting!
3. True brothers in christ....the ones I can run to support and advice
4. My little Karyn*little black baby!*
5. My matter how crazy they can get! I love them!
6. My quiet times with the Lord....the truly quiet ones
7. The pain and trials that God allows in my life...
8. I am so thankful for the new section of christian books in Books a millon, now i can go over there and read on my breaks from work....
9. Books...lots and lots of books where the words jump out to you!
10. Dancing.....don't know how to explain that one!
11. Clean scary movies....
12. The long drive to work....
12. my dogs...
13. Sunday and at LU
14. Wednesday Bible studies....sweet fellowship...
15. For what God saved me out of....
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