Decreased by Him

All I want is the living true God. This is a small part of my walk with the Lord.

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Location: havelock, North Carolina, United States

.....may our thoughts be on Him....

Monday, October 31, 2005

I cry out

Lord I cry out to You!! My soul screams! My heart breaks!! My body is weak Lord, give me Your strength, help me to move on Father! I year for You Lord! I want to be used by You! Give me Your healing Power, give me Your great wisdom....helo my body Lord....

Sunday, October 30, 2005

My Desire....My Prayers....

I don’t want to settle for the “good” in my life but the “best” that God has for me. Why? So that I won’t just do “good” for Him but only the “best”. I ask Him for the best and patiently await His promise…..

“Oh Lord break their hearts, speak to them in such a way that they will be inclined to go in Your name. May their selfish ways and wayward hearts be put to the side. Lord open a mighty door for them, whisper in their ears, and may their ears be open”

“Lord I pray for the people that You have placed in my life that challenge me. I pray that You break down those barriers and call them forth from the miry clay that they are in. I pray that You clear their ears and open their eyes so that they will be able to understand Your ways and see why we are hear. Lord give me strength and patience for those who are reluctant, I pray that they will hear Your calling for their lives. Instill in them a desire to radically serve You 100% and not 99.9%. Give me such a fiery flame that others can’t help but to catch the heat. I pray for all selfishness to die out!”

Acts 28: 24 “And some believed the things which were spoken, and some believed not”

Acts 28:27 “ For the heart of this people is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed; lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them”

May our ears never be dull of hearing
May our eyes never be closed
May we see with our eyes
May we hear with our ears
May we understand with our hearts

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Psalm 23 and my prayer

Psalm 23

Because of Him I shall not want
Because of Him I will walk by still waters
(though there are storms around, your soul can be still if you walk with Him by the waters)
Because of Him your soul will be restored
Because of Him you will fear no evil
Because of Him you will be comforted
Because of Him goodness and mercy will follow you
Because of Him you will dwell in the house of the Lord forever

Because of Him....not because of you
Will you run to Him....or will you run to yourself?

My Prayer

"Lord guide me for I am lost
Lead me in the direction You want me to go
Show me the path that You want me to take
Lord comfort me for I am discouraged
Wrap me in Your merciful arms
Whisper reminders of Your love in my ear
Lord teach me for I am unknowledgable
Give me words to speak
give me words to write"

Thursday, October 06, 2005

screaming inside

I feel like I am screaming inside
So many emotions
So many feelings
Bad and Good
I feel so incrediably vunerable right now
That I can be torn into two with a snap of a finger
I don't know what to say
I don't know what to write
All I want to do is scream
because inside I am screaming inside
I don't know what the right thing to do is
I don't know what the right thing is to say
I want to just sit back and let it happen the right way
Can that happen without my intervening?
I feel like I am screaming inside
I can't keep this all inside
I can't bottle it up anymore
It will be out.....

"Oh Lord I pray that you give me wisdom.....give him peace.....give me the words to say.....give me the strength to take what he may say.....what he may do.....I give all to You now dear Jesus.....I lay it in Your Hands....and in no one else' Your's.....because you are the Lover of my Soul.....You fill my cup....."